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Colestin Caprines Goat Milk Soap


Website and Soap Product Feedback:

We'd like to know what YOU want!

Colestin Caprines Goat's Milk Soap thanks you for visiting us online. We hope that our site has been useful to you, and informative. Since we are always interested to improve our service, your feedback is very important to us. We take your suggestions seriously, and do our best to incorporate your feedback into our plans for the future.

Please take a few moments to share your suggestions, your reasons for visiting our site, and any other information about yourself that you wish to include, and let us know how you think we could better provide for your needs and interests. You can fill out as much of the following form, or as little, as you want, and then send it to us.

If you have any concerns or questions about this, see our Privacy Policy . If you would prefer to contact us directly for responses to specific questions or considerations, we welcome you to e-mail us. We appreciate the opportunity to benefit from your views.

(NOTE: There are no "Required" fields here. It is not necessary to respond to everything, in order to submit your input regarding whatever is relevant and important to you.)

I visited your web site because I am looking for  (check all that apply):

Skin moisturizers
Soaps for sensitive/chemical- intolerant skin
Bar soaps for hands
Facial soap bars
Liquid hand soaps
Hair shampoo
Bath emulsions
Shower gels
Soaps to use as gifts


I am interested in the following soap scents, but couldn't find them here:


Usually, I buy soap mostly:

(Choose one of the following:)
for personal use
for my family
as gifts


I prefer to purchase skin care products:

(Choose one of the following:)
at local trade or retail venues
by mail-order catalogue
by phone order
over the internet


The use of natural/organic ingredients as a decisive factor when I choose body care products is:

(Choose one of the following:)
not that important
somewhat important
definitely important
of crucial importance


I discovered your soap because:

it was given to me
it was recommended to me
I saw it at a local Grower's Market or craft fair event
I found it at a retail venue
I found it at a Dairy Goat Convention products display tradeshow
I attended your soapmaking workshop at a Convention
I won it as a Dairy Goat-related raffle item
I saw one of your brochures or other advertising
I found your website


My familiarity with your soap products can best be summarized by:

(Choose one of the following:)
I haven't tried your soap before
I have sampled one bar
I've tried several scents
I've tried many different scents
I use the same scent or same few scents regularly
I buy/use many different scents on a regular basis - I'm a big fan!


If you are a past customer, what is your most favorite Colestin Caprines Goat's Milk Soap scent or fragrance?


Do you have any specific suggestions for improving our soap products and/or our website?


Colestin Caprines maintains a Mailing List to let our customers know about occasional special sales and inventory-clearance discounts, new product notices, and news of upcoming craft fair events. You are welcome to add yourself now, with the option to cancel or unsubscribe at any time. Your personal information will be held strictly confidential by us. See our Privacy Policy for more information.

(Choose one of the following:)
Add me to your e-mail list
Add me to your regular (snail-mail) list
Do not add me to your list at this time


Please enter your name and complete mailing address if you wish to join our standard mail list:

Street Address or P.O. Box
City/Town and State
Zip Code

Optional: Enter your e-mail address below, to join our e-mail list:


Thank you for sharing your input with us!

  Ordering Information |  Order Form - Mail |  Order Form - Online
Index of Fragrances |  Gift-Boxed Soap Sets & Custom-Order Gift Ideas
Soaps Scented with Essential Oils | Soaps Scented with Fragrances | Soaps Without Scent
Why Goat's Milk? |  Soap Terminology & Definitions |  Our Soapmaking Process & Ingredients
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